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Cutting Edge Procedure

Thread Lifts for Face, Breasts, and Buttocks

Dr. Fallek offers thread lifts for the face, breasts, and buttocks allowing for lifting of those areas without surgery or downtime

Growth Factor 1 - a combination of multiple growth factors available without a blood draw

Amnion derived fluid is similar to PRP (platelet rich plasma) but contains more growth factors than PRP.  It is used in similar regimens such as in conjunction with microneedling and facial injections. It has been used in acne scarring, post procedure scars, and recently formed scars.  Most patients are using Growth Factor 1 to treat under eye dark bags and circles. Treatment options include stretch marks, malar bags/festoons, and complex wound healing. It is delivered as a ready-to-use,  off-the-shelf product which requires no processing time or a blood draw.

GeneXSTEM1 Injectable for Facial Rejuvenation

This is a newer regenerative  product for facial wrinkles, dark circles, acne scarring, and stretch marks. Derived from the powerful Wharton’s Jelly of the human umbilical cord, it is known for its growth factors, high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, structural proteins, cytokines, mesenchymal stem cells and collagen.  In simple terms it is an exciting alternative treatment to surgery and is used widely within orthopedic, sports medicine and pain management practices. Using GeneXSTEM is less invasive when compared to bone marrow aspiration, or adipose tissue extraction. There is no harvesting of tissue which means no pain and shorter procedure time. It has higher concentrations of peptides, hyaluronic acid and growth factors when compared to amniotic fluid suspensions.


Renuva is an off-the-shelf allograft adipose matrix engineered to treat small-volume aesthetic irregularites, the kind that detract from smooth contours and flawless skin, without the need for liposuction.


Dr. Fallek will be involved in pilot studies with the use of Renuva for buttock augmentation similar to the Sculptra Butt Lift.

Fat Dissolving Agents

In addition to Kybella®, Dr. Fallek uses a standard mesotherapy/non surgical fat reduction injection protocol to treat small deposits of fat not treated by surgery or other treatments.  Areas to be treated include the abdomen, excess breast tissue, upper back, and areas around the knees.


Mesotherapy is a non-surgical cosmetic medicine treatment. Mesotherapy employs multiple injections of pharmaceutical and homeopathic medications, plant extracts, vitamins, and other ingredients into subcutaneous fat.

*Results May Vary

Enplaf Growth Factor Therapy

This technology derives and utilizes the growth factors found in platelets, which are cells found in blood. As PRP therapy became an area of interest decades ago (PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma), it was discovered that these platelets can be concentrated by spinning in a centrifuge to augment their healing properties.

*Results May Vary

Stem Cell Therapy (not yet available)

Dr. Fallek has been working with both U.S. and international companies to bring stem cell therapy to patients both here and abroad.  Dr. Fallek does not advertise stem cell therapy and offers treatments that may include stem cells along with other primary modalities.

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